XCode 14 React-Native Build Error

Lee young-jun
Sep 13, 2022


XCode 14 React-Native Build Error
Today I updated XCode to 14 after finishing work.
Because a major XCode update would cause build errors.
As my expectation, I met the error, when I tried to build KickGoing-App on XCode 14.

The errors caused by CocoaPods and say ‘I need a signing’

You can see detail by clicking the error like this.

However you can’t solve the error by setting this.
You have to modify it, whenever running ‘pod install’.

Open your Podfile under ios folder and add this lines.

Run again pods command.

pod install

And try to rebuild on XCode 14.

You may see a dialog like this.

Just press ‘OK’

You don’t have to any input password.


My project is based React-Native 0.63.4



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