React-Native Troubleshooting guides
Oct 23, 2023
This is my React-Native troubleshooting guide that I wrote on Confluence while I was working for olulo.
`flexWrap: `wrap`` is not supported with the `VirtualizedList
- ignore
scrollToIndex should be used in conjunction with getItemLayout or onScrollToIndexFailed.
- try scroll on onScrollToIndexFailed event
‘View’ cannot be used as a JSX component.
- Add resolutions into package.json
TextInput cleared by the long unicode emoji
- Inherit TextInput and overwrite onTextChange
- Check if event.nativeEvent.text is not empty
- Check pressed key with onKeyPressed
Prevent Auto Scrolling to Focused View when hiding keyboard
- enableAutomaticScroll={false}
- enableResetScrollToCoords={false}
VSCode An error occurred while launching the application. Error 1205
- yarn android: Error: Activity class {com.xx/com.xx.MainActivity} does not exist.
- Check AndroidManifest.xml’s package is same to applicationId
- Make directory path under java/com/xx/xx like package packagename
- this problem is caused by react native init(this makes package name like com.{project name})