Presenting a modal(sheet) with TCA in SwiftUI
I wrote article to setup TCA. Next, I started organizing screen navigations with TCA into an initial SwiftUI Project. In this post, I organized a modal sheet
with TCA and SwiftData.
Case Studies
I found case studies from TCA repository.
However I could only see source file when I clicked the link. Should I download and open project?
Fortunately there is documentation.
I was surprised by the documentation’s perfection. It was designed like Apple’s official document.
I found tutorials section
and I was surprised again. Tutorial was also completely Apple’s. I can master TCA in 4 and half hours??
But this time I wanted to focus only navigation.
First tutorial is using .sheet
to present one screen. I modified it for SwiftUI initial project. In this article, I will use modified terms instead of original tutorial to practice the usage.
item: $store.scope(state: \.addDate, action: \.addDate)
) { addDateStore in
NavigationStack {
AddItemScreen(store: addDateStore)
Maybe you might already know about .sheet
. Then skip this explanation.
func sheet<Item, Content>(
item: Binding<Item?>
A binding to an optional source of truth for the sheet. When item
is non-nil
, the system passes the item’s content to the modifier’s closure.
It means new screen will be created with given item and If the item
is not nil, addDate screen will be presented.
What is scope
?? I will talk about it later.
should be bindable, therefore I attached @Bining
to state.
@Binding var store: StoreOf<MainStore>
It means we should inject store from out of View
WindowGroup {
ContentView(store: Store(initialState: MainStore.State()) {
or create store in the constructor
init(store: StoreOf<MainStore> = Store(initialState: MainStore.State()) {
}) {
_store = .constant(store)
I gave default store like this to implement unit tests later.
init(store: StoreOf<MainStore> = Store(initialState: MainStore.State()) {
}) {
_store = store
I created another store for AddDateScreen.
struct AddDateStore {
struct State: Equatable {
var selectedDate: Date =
enum Action {
case saveButtonTapped
case cancelButtonTapped
var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .saveButtonTapped:
return .none
case .cancelButtonTapped:
return .none
And implemented AddDateScreen.
struct AddDateScreen: View {
@Binding var store: StoreOf<AddDateStore>
var body: some View {
let date = store.selectedDate
DatePicker(selection: $store.selectedDate.sending(\.selectDate)) {
Button("Save") {
However this emitted error like this.
Because the store’s states are read only. So I created an action one more.
struct AddDateStore {
enum Action {
case selectDate(date: Date)
var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .selectDate(let date):
state.selectedDate = date
return .none
TCA provides sending to make the bindable object using specific action. This means sending
let know DatePicker to call selectDate
if the selection is changed.
DatePicker(selection: $store.selectedDate.sending(\.selectDate)) {
Preview can give binding object to the screen using .constant
#Preview {
AddDateScreen(store: .constant(Store(initialState: AddDateStore.State(), reducer: {
So how can MainScreen
know if user tapped save button on AddDateScreen
One store’s state can contain sub store’s state using Presents
struct MainStore {
struct State: Equatable {
@Presents var addDateState: AddDateStore.State?
Surprisingly action also can have sub actions using PresentationAction
enum Action {
case addDateAction(PresentationAction<AddDateStore.Action>)
But it is a little tricky, it’s not macro.
Can’t we give macro to case? I will deep dive into it later someday ..
To present AddDateScreen, we need to create AddDateStore instance when tapped Add button.
var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .addButtonTapped:
state.addDateState = AddDateStore.State.init(selectedDate:
return .none
Now MainStore
can receive addDateAction
? Nope!
We need one more. We need to let know MainStore when to start receiving the sub actions.
.ifLet(\.$addDateState, action: \.addDateAction)
means if addDateState is not nil, MainStore start listening addDateAction.
I created only a state not store, so the store is also required with.
.ifLet(\.$addDateState, action: \.addDateAction) {
Now can we receive sub actions like this?
case .addDateAction(.saveButtonTapped):
return .none
Unfortunately there is one more thing. To access sub actions in case, we need through .presented
case .addDateAction(.saveButtonTapped):
state.addDateState = nil
return .none
case .addDateAction(.presented(.cancelButtonTapped)):
state.addDateState = nil
return .none
Even though I implemented all sub actions, there is a error.
I resolved one more case without the sub action detail.
case .addDateAction:
return .none
Now let’s see scope
Scope can export only one sub store with ifLet
.sheet(item: $store.scope(state: \.addDateState,
action: \.addDateAction)) { addDateStore in
AddDateScreen(store: addDateStore)
This means the sheet
is listening sub store created by the specified child state and action.
Despite of these a lot of task, I encountered the error.
This was cause by mistyping of @Binadble
. What is Bindable?
Is it different to Binding
? To bind it’s properties, Bindable
is required. Read more here.
Actually I misread Binding
. So I replaced @Binding
s with @Bindable
struct AddDateScreen: View {
@Bindable var store: StoreOf<AddDateStore>
struct ContentView: View {
@Bindable var store: StoreOf<MainStore>
Bindable doesn’t need to use .constant
#Preview {
AddDateScreen(store: Store(initialState: AddDateStore.State(), reducer: {
Unfortunately this is not working
init(store: StoreOf<MainStore> = Store(initialState: MainStore.State()) {
}) {
_store = store
Use this approach.
_store = .init(store) // .init(wrappedValue: store)
We can see new screen with Action and close it. But to append new date into model container. I had to access it from Store
Should I add ModelContainer
variable into Store
? or pass the container instance into Action?
There are official ways to inject dependencies.
It seems like to fetch common global dependencies. How can we take custom dependencies?
Lets dive into Dependency
. This attribute takes KeyPath
specifying DependencyValues
as Key
So I created extension property for DependencyValues
. What is DependencyValues
? I couldn’t find about it on online documentation. But I found on local document.
To declare custom DependencyValue, we should create also custom DependencyKey
Following above guide, I created Dependency for ModelContainer like this.
private enum DatabaseDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static var liveValue: ModelContext? = nil
extension DependencyValues {
var database: ModelContext? {
get {
set {
self[DatabaseDependencyKey.self] = newValue
I could fetch ModelContext
from Dependencies like @Environment.
Initially Default DependencyValues are provided with liveValue
. How to inject dependency into specific Store?
I thought this is possible, but it is not working.
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
init(store: StoreOf<MainStore>? = nil) {
_guard let store else {
_store = .init(Store(initialState: MainStore.State()) {
} withDependencies: { dependencies in
dependencies.database = modelContext
_store = .init(store)
I couldn’t access modelContext
from the constructor. I had to move store creation to App source.
ContentView(store: Store(initialState: MainStore.State()) {
} withDependencies: { dependencies in
dependencies.database = sharedModelContainer
This code emitted an error, because sharedModelContainer
is ModelContainer.
However I could extract ModelContext
from ModelContainer
withDependencies: { dependencies in
dependencies.database = sharedModelContainer.mainContext
All errors are resolve. However there is a warning.
This is because ModelContext is not Sendable
. Read more about Sendable if you need.
So I replaced ModelContext
with ModelContainer
private enum DatabaseDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static var liveValue: ModelContainer? = nil
extension DependencyValues {
var database: ModelContainer? {
get {
set {
self[DatabaseDependencyKey.self] = newValue
struct ...App: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
ContentView(store: Store(initialState: MainStore.State()) {
} withDependencies: { dependencies in
dependencies.database = sharedModelContainer //.modelContext
MainContext is Main Actor.
Therefore I moved it into .run to execute asynchronously.
return .run { @MainActor send in
database?.mainContext.insert(Item(timestamp: newDate))
However .run
is not in main thread.
So I marked the .run
block as MainActor.
When I made the block as MainActor, it is not async any longer.
I removed await
keyword and appended finishAddingDate
action to close the sheet.
case .addDateAction(.presented(.saveButtonTapped)):
return .run { @MainActor send in
database?.mainContext.insert(Item(timestamp: newDate))
case .finishAddingDate:
state.addDateState = nil
return .none
No more warnings!
These approaches also can resolve the warning, but it seems not good.
I’m newbie. So this ways are probably incorrect. Please tell me better solutions.
Our main parent store can process child’s action, but accessing states from parent to child is best way?
To solve this problem, I want to send selectedDate
to parent through Action
directly like this.
case .saveButtonTapped:
return .send(.delegate( .saveDate(savedDate: state.selectedDate)))
To call action like above, we need to define nested action. This is like ViewControllers have delegate
enum Action {
case delegate(DelegateAction)
enum DelegateAction: Equatable {
case cancel
case saveDate(savedDate: Date)
Empty delegate
case is also required to solve compile error.
var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .delegate:
return .none
Next is to receive delegate
from main store instead of pressed actions. no more state.addDateState?.selectedDate
. Don’t forget previous defined cases.
case .addDateAction(.presented(.delegate(.saveDate(let selectedDate)))):
return .run { @MainActor send in
database?.mainContext.insert(Item(timestamp: selectedDate))
Using delegate
child can know when parent’s task is completed. Of course to wait parent’s task we need .run
case .saveButtonTapped:
return .run { send in
await send(.delegate( .saveDate(savedDate: state.selectedDate)))
But this approach occur error.
To solve this error, I defined constant outside of the block.
let selectedDate = state.selectedDate
return .run { send in
await send(.delegate( .saveDate(savedDate: selectedDate)))
Official tutorial suggest this way. I don’t know what is better.
Now we can know when the saving is completed. However can we close sheet from child not parent?
To solve the issue, TCA provides dismiss
dependency. I extract dismiss
method from dependencies.
and called it after invoking delegate
return .run { send in
await send(.delegate( .saveDate(savedDate: selectedDate)))
await self.dismiss()
will clear nested child store. So the sheet will be dismissed.
’s finishAddingDate
is useless now. I removed it.
Lastly I appened ProgressView
with isSaving
If you found any help in this post, please give it a round of applause 👏. Explore more iOS-related content in my other posts.
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Reduce Switch must be exhaustive
case .{SubAction Name}:
return .none
Cannot assign value of type ‘ModelContainer’ to type ‘ModelContext?’
Conformance of ‘ModelContext’ to ‘Sendable’ is unavailable: contexts cannot be shared across concurrency contexts
Use ModelContainer
instead ModelContext
Main actor-isolated property ‘mainContext’ can not be referred from a non-isolated context.
Attach @MainActor
.run { @MainActor send in
Mutable capture of ‘inout’ parameter ‘state’ is not allowed in concurrently-executing code
Use constants defined outside of the block.
let selectedDate = state.selectedDate
.run { [selectedDate = state.selectedDate] send in