How to speed up Jest?
Sep 3, 2021
I tried to enhance jest performance.
My cases use yarn. yarn jest
1. yarn jest (first time)
Takes 91s
2. yarn jest (second time)
Takes 37s
3. yarn jest --cache
Takes same to “yarn jest”. because --cache is default.
You can see default cache directory like this
yarn jest --showConfig
You have to use option --cacheDirectory to specify cache location
yarn jest --cacheDirectory ./__tests__/cache
This is helpful running in CI
3. yarn jest --maxWorkers
- you can specify core count or use rate(percent of cores)
- -w is shortcut to — maxWorkers
yarn jest -w=5
yarn jest -w=50%
- but 100% is not fastest
yarn jest -w=100%
This is my last jest command
yarn jest -u -w=50% --silent --cacheDirectory ./__tests__/cache
37s → 27s
Faster 10s !!!