Excluding Files from Tuist Project Target
Solving problems caused by auto generated target
GersangHelper contains core data generated by Spread Sheets. I made the project to generate data if the sheet is not contained in the target.
However Tuist add all files under the project directory into Targets automatically.
So how to exclude the files from Tuist Targets?
property of Target is specified with array.
sources: ["Sources/**"],
But the type of the property is not just an array, it’s SourceFilesList.
public var sources: ProjectDescription.SourceFilesList?
It is can be created with the array of SourceFileGlob.
public static func sourceFilesList(globs: [ProjectDescription.SourceFileGlob])
And SourceFileGlob has the property to exclude paths.
So we can exclude the specific file like this.
sources: .sourceFilesList(globs: [.glob("Sources/**", excluding: ["Sources/..."])]),
However xlsx file is under the resources directory.
property’s type is ResourceFileElements
public var resources: ProjectDescription.ResourceFileElements?
We can create it an array of ResourceFileElement and the Element has excluding also.
Like sources, it is possible to exclude the specific files.
resources: [.glob(pattern: "Resources/**"
,excluding: ["Resources/Models/gersanghelper.xlsx"]
After regenerating, I could see the gersanghelper.xlsx execluded.
is not working without the path.
,excluding: ["gersanghelper.xlsx"]
The path is too long and I experimented the pattern instead of path, but it was not working.
,excluding: ["*gersanghelper.xlsx*"]
In the end, I excluded all useless files from the target.
resources: [.glob(pattern: "Resources/**"
,excluding: ["Resources/Models/gersanghelper.xlsx.secret",
Models group now has only necessary files.
I don’t know yet how to exclude files without repeating full super paths. Please let me know with comments if you know how to do.
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