Custom RxSwift Bindable Property
I created custom progress view long time ago.
Since I decided to apply Rx to my app, I wanted to bind to custom component’s property like this
However I didn’t know how can I make it. So I jumped to the built-in rx extension for UILabel.
And I found how the extension is implemented, it was very simple and contained in RxCocoa.
extension Reactive where Base: UILabel {
/// Bindable sink for `text` property.
public var text: Binder<String?> {
return Binder(self.base) { label, text in
label.text = text
Therefore I created my own extension.
extension Reactive where Base: LSCircleProgressView {
/// Bindable sink for `progress` property.
var progress: Binder<Float> {
return Binder(self.base) { control, value in
control.progress = value;
I also look into Reactive and I could see that the Base is generic argument.
public struct Reactive<Base> {
/// Base object to extend.
public let base: Base
So I guessed where Base: …
can be removed and the extension can be simpler
extension Reactive<LSCircleProgressView> {
without this.
where Base: LSCircleProgressView
Even with this action, the compiling is Successful!
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