Cloning git with multiple Github accounts using SSH
Few years ago Github didn’t allow private repository to personal.
So I had to use Gitlab private repository,
but now Github provides same feature.
Therefore I decided to transfer all my repository to Github and apply SSH.
However there was a big problem.
I am already using SSH to access olulo’s repository to working in home.
This time I will share you how to use multiple Github accounts with SSH.
Setup SSH
Check existing SSH Keys
Check if you already have any SSH Key.
Keep in mind that Generating SSH Key can overwrite your exist key.
ls ~/.ssh
Generate new SSH Key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "Your Github account email"
- If you would use XCode also, use rsa instead of ed25519 like this
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "Your Github account email"
- Input location to save a new key
Enter a file in which to save the key (/Users/you/.ssh/id_algorithm):
- If you just press ‘Enter’, it will be default like id_{algorithm name} - Input password to the new key
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Configure SSH Key
open or create SSH configuration filevi ~/.ssh/config
Configure Default SSH Key
Host * <- all host
- AddKeysToAgent yes
- UseKeychain yes
- IdentityFile {location of key file}
You can access repository without entering password each time with AddKeysToAgent
, UseKeychain
Configure secondary SSH Key
Host <-- git host alias
- HostName <-- real git host name
- IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_olulo <-- secondary key file
- User olulo <-- secondary user name
You can adds secondary SSH Key with Host
and HostName
Register SSH Key
- Copy public Key file
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/{id_xxx}.pub
- this will copy content of the public key file into clipboard - Github Settings
- Settings > SSH and GPG Keys
- SSH and GPG Keys > New SSH key
- Paste copied key and press Add SSH Key
Clone with SSH
- Repository > Code > SSH
- Modify copied Git SSH url
- Input password for SSH key
Now you can work with multiple Github accounts in you Mac