PinnedSwiftData Modularization with TCA in TuistI had never separated a project into sub modules. Only once I created a player module as Private CocoaPods. You know nowadays many Pods are…May 20, 2024May 20, 2024
PinnedMastering Contacts in iOS Development with SwiftOne of my apps involves converting user contacts. So, how do we access and select contacts in iOS?Dec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023
PinnedMVVM List with SwiftUII will create scheduler with SwiftUI. However I didn’t know how to bind a model from ListView to ListItemView. So I studied how to do and…May 17, 20221May 17, 20221
PinnedHow to distribute APK to Slack Automatically.olulo’s APK has been distributed at Slack for QA. To distribute it, Github workflows was uploading APK to AWS and linked it into Slack…Sep 12, 2021Sep 12, 2021
Seems to be a very old project file format — please open your project file in a more recent…Recently I upgraded Tuist for my iOS project after a long time.Feb 25Feb 25
Upgrading Tuist Version4 months ago, I migrated all my apps to use Tuist. Since then, I haven’t made any changes.Feb 23Feb 23
Automate your tasks with MR template using Gitlab CommandsI’m using MR Template to put essential informationsJan 22Jan 22
Working using Cursor in XcodeI was using ChatGPT only to have a discussion. For long time, I had have a mind to use any other AI for a next app.Jan 17Jan 17
The selected Xcode version is 16.2,Please go to here if you are not a member and can read Korean.Jan 6Jan 6